What are Solutions?
In the context of the Solutions Gateway, Solutions are processes, or groups of actions, which Local Governments can implement to deliver climate change mitigation results and enhance local sustainable development. Taking an integrated approach, and focusing on Local Governments usual responsibilities and roles, Solutions include core actions as well as enabling and multiplying actions essential to maximize their effectiveness and efficiency. These include policy, regulatory, governance, capacity building, awareness raising, stakeholder engagement, etc.
- Sustainable Urban Freight and LogisticsUrban freight and logistics looks at the movement of goods made by light or heavy vehicles...
- Policy Solution on Street Lighting using LEDThis solution definesa policy for outlining the requirement to use energy efficient...
- Integrating district energy into energy and urban planningDistrict energy is a system that delivers heat or cooling to multiple customers through a...
- Efficient Energy Production through Cogeneration and TrigenerationCogeneration is the simultaneous production of useful heat and electricity from the same...
- Interconnected systems towards 100% renewable district heating & coolingThis Solution provides guidance on the integration of renewable energy sources in district...
- Retrofitting and optimizing existing district energy systemsThis Solution supports local governments in retrofitting existing district heating systems...
- Multilevel governanceMultilevel governance is an approach to governance from the national to local level which...
- Solar hot water in municipal buildings and facilitiesSolar water heaters use energy from the sun to heat water. In this Solution, the Local...
- Solar hot water at community-scaleThe Local Government implements a set of integrated measures to deploy solar hot water in...
- Waste incineration with energy recoveryWaste incineration with energy recovery, usually named Waste-to-Energy (WtE) is a widely...
- Energy-efficient urban water supplyThis Solution was tailored to Local Governments who have ownership and/or regulatory...
- Urban Transport Performance MeasurementLocal governments invest huge amounts of resources in providing urban transport...
- Water-losses reduction in urban water supplyThis Solution was tailored to Local Governments who have ownership or regulatory authority...
- Integrated Water Resources ManagementIntegrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process which seeks to secure access to...
- Urban infill developmentConstruction and land development within a built-up area or existing community, including...
- Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM)Over 80% of Local Governments (LGs) worldwide are responsible for residential solid waste...
- Sustainable Public ProcurementSustainable public procurement (SPP) is the act of purchasing products and services with...
- Natural refrigerants in municipal buildings` coolingThe use of natural refrigerants in Air-Conditioning Systems, in replacement of currently...
- Landfill gas recovery for energy productionOrganic matter present in landfill experiences a biological decomposition under anaerobic...
- Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludgeSludge is the solid material, primarily organic in nature, which settles out in the...
- Storm water retention and infiltration at city-scaleThis solution caters to local governments that have the mandate to manage stormwater in a...
- Transit-oriented development (TOD)Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is urban development that relies on public transport,...
- Storm water management in private lots and developments This solution is tailored to local governments that have a mandate to approve and enforce...
- Starting district cooling in existing cities and developmentsDistrict cooling is a system in which chilled water (typically at 4 to 7 degree Celsius)...
- Starting district heating in existing cities and developmentsDistrict heating is a system that delivers space heating and hot water to multiple...
What are Solution Packages?
In the context of the Solutions Gateway, a Solutions Package is a group of Solutions under a given theme, clustered to generate synergies and maximize results and long term impacts.
- Integrated Air Quality and Climate Action with Health ImpactsA citys most important asset is the health of its citizens. Yet seven million premature...
- Turning waste into energy: burden to resourceThis package will show how waste and wastewater can be used as energy resources....
- Solar hot waterIntegrated set of measures for the deployment of solar water heating systems in public and...
- Sustainable waste managementOver 80% of Local Governments (LGs) worldwide are responsible for residential solid waste...
- Resource-efficient urban water supplyThis package includes complementary Solutions to promote the efficient use of energy and...
- Sustainable Storm Water Management Sustainable storm water management (SSWM) aims to collect, treat, infiltrate and or reuse...
- Sustainable urban transportNearly 75% of cities have direct control over their transit system, and 80% have control...
- District coolingDistrict cooling is a system in which chilled water is distributed in pipes from a central...
- District heatingDistrict heating is a system that delivers space heating and hot water to multiple...
What are Case Studies?
In the context of the Solutions Gateway, case studies are examples of the implementation of Solutions and/or Solutions Packages by cities. These cases can include brief inspirational examples, as well as detailed examples supported by extensive quantitative data analysis.
- WATERGY Case Study (Emfuleni Municipality, South Africa)
- Waste-to-energy in Denmark: The most efficient waste management system in Europe (Denmark)
- Pioneering renewable energy and energy efficiency application in India’s municipal health sector (Bhubaneswar, India)
- Using solar energy - supporting community energy self-sufficiency (Barcelona, Spain)
- Showcase Production of Hydrocarbon Room Air-Conditioning Systems (China)
- Ecomobility Shift Case Study (City of Lund, Sweden)
- Water saving by water consumption control (Hamburg, Germany)
- Comprehensive and Integrated approach to Waste Management (Edmonton, Canada)
- Transit Oriented Development NAMA in Colombia (Colombia)
- Paper Recycling and Composting Project (Mutare, Zimbabwe)
- WATERGY Case Study (Veracruz, Mexico)
- Waste Management V-NAMA in Indonesia (Indonesia)
- Building Energy Efficiency V-NAMA in South Africa (South Africa)
- Durban Landfill - Gas to Electricity Project (Durban, South Africa)
- Introducing climate-friendly commercial air conditioning (Indonesia)
- Demonstration project for the conversion of production facilities for the manufacturing of split and window-type air-conditioning (India)
- WATERGY Case Study (Soweto, South Africa)
- Headquarters of the District Authority of Weiz, Austria (Weiz, Austria)
- Ecomobility Shift Case Study (City of Turnhout, Belgium)
- Ecomobility Shift Case Study (City of Oss, Netherlands)
- Residential heating with biogas (Koeln, Germany)
- Ecomobility Shift Case Study (City of Miskolc, Hungary)
- Ecomobility Shift Case Study (City of Burgas, Bulgaria)
- Low Emissions Schools NAMA in Mexico (Mexico)
- Using natural systems for groundwater conservation: mineral water from the tap (Kumamoto, Japan)
- WATERGY Case Study (Pune, India)
- WATERGY Case Study (Vishakhapatnam, India)
- Reducing water demand and establishing a water saving culture in the City of Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)
- Saving Water and Energy (Gugulethu, South Africa)
- Waste to Energy: treatment of residual waste (Vienna, Austria)
- Embedded energy generation experience in a South African metropolitan municipality (Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, South Africa)
- Energy from Waste (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Portuguese tax to focus regeneration and increase transparency of development costs (Tomar, Portugal)
- Green Cleaning in the City of Reykjavik (Reykjavik, Iceland)
- City of Vancouver Landfill Gas Recovery System (City of Vancouver, Canada)
- Energy saving measures at waste water treatment plant (Tirgu Mures, Romania)
- WATERGY Case Study (Fortaleza, Brazil)
- Sustainable Urban Mobility: The Example of Istanbul (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Purchasing energy-efficient outdoor lighting in Cascais (Cascais, Portugal)
- Green Public Procurement: A collection of good practices (Europe)
- Green Public Procurement in Practice (Europe)
- Vienna’s Sustainable New Hospital (Vienna, Austria)
- Framework contract for green IT equipment in Gipuzkoa (Gipuzkoa, Spain)
- Municipal Solid Waste Treatment: Case Study of Public–PrivatePartnerships (PPPs) in Wenzhou (Wenzhou, China)
- Use of leakage control in water management strategy (Malta)
- Baltic GPP Success Stories (Europe)
- Portland transit development: Urban development centered on public transport (Portland, USA)
- Transit-Oriented for All: The Case for Mixed-Income Transit-Oriented Communities in the Bay Area (San Mateo Bay Meadows and Fruitvale Transit Village, USA)
- Financing bundled municipal energy efficiency projects through energy performance contracts by energy service companies (Tamil Nadu, India)
- Kuninkaantammi residential district is the Pilot of the Helsinki Storm Water Strategy (Helsinki, Finland)
- Clayton South Wetlands (Kingston, Australia)
- Helping to keep the Mona Lisa smiling (Paris, France)
- Waste to energy for more effective landfill site management (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
- Lamb Drove: demonstrating SUDS for new residential areas (Cambourne, United Kingdom)
- A Sustainable library for Strathfield (Strathfield, Australia)
- Seattle, Washington: Incorporating Water Quality Features into the Right-of-Way (Seattle, USA)
- Portland case study in Green infrastructure case studies: Municipal policies for managing stormwater with Green Infrastructure (Portland, USA)
- Chicago case study in Green Infrastructure Case Studies: Municipal Policies for Managing Stormwater with Green Infrastructure (Chicago, USA)
- Augustenborg, Malmö: Retrofitting SUDS in an urban regeneration area (Malmö, Sweden)
- Good practice projects for biogas production from waste, upgrading and utilization (Europe)
- The Integrated Water Harvesting Project for food security and income generation (Ehlanzeni, South Africa)
- City of Surrey: Sustainable Waste Management (City of Surrey, Canada)
- City of Saint John: Municipal Energy Efficiency Program (MEEP) (City of Saint John, Canada)
- Mercado del Trueque: how Mexico City is turning trash into food (Mexico City, Mexico)
- North Vancouver Lonsdale Energy Corporation (North Vancouver, Canada)
- The Nørrebrogade Project: revitalizing a major road corridor for enhanced public transport and urban life (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Integrated Waste Management in Greater Porto (Porto, Portugal)
- Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN): Pollution Control Centre (Regional District of Nanaimo, Canada)
- Waste to fuel: biogas powered buses in Lille Metropole (Lille Metropole, France)
- Reviving the Soul in Seoul: Seoul's Experience in Demolishing Road Infrastructure and Improving Public Transport (Seoul, Republic of Korea)
- Local Government Regulation Ordinances and Laws to Promote Renewable Energy (São Paulo, Brazil)
- A new approach to solid waste management in Medellín: matching problems with solutions (Medellín, Colombia)
- IntegraBike: Pedaling towards sustainable urban development (Sorocaba, Brazil)
- Doornkop Community Solar Solutions (Steve Tshwete, South Africa)
- District Energy in Cities: Paris Case Study (Paris, France)
- Biogas powers public transport in Linköping (Linköping, Sweden)
- Waste concern pilot project: “cash for trash” (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
- Using Technology for Smarter Parking Management (San Francisco, USA)
- Urban Community Heating and Cooling: the Southampton District Energy Scheme (Southampton, United Kingdom)
- Ecomobility Shift Case Study (City of Dundee, United Kingdom)
- Biogas from food waste collection into National Grid (Milton Keynes, United Kingdom)
- Water sector audit enables efficient use of water and energy resources in Nagpur (Nagpur, India)
- Turning pollution into profit: the Bandeirantes Landfill Gas to Energy Project (São Paulo, Brazil)
- Green Roof Bylaw: institutional coordination to enable the greening of the city from above (Toronto, Canada)
- Achieving energy-efficiency through the Hamburg Water Cycle in the Jenfelder Au eco-neighborhood (Hamburg, Germany)
- Deep Lake Water Cooling System: using Lake Ontario’s chilly waters to cool down an entire district (Toronto, Canada)
- Solar heaters in low income housing: Energy and financial savings (Betim, Brazil)
- Moving towards an integrated model for efficient water management in Lima (Lima, Peru)
- Curitiba Ecoelétrico: moving towards intelligent electric urban mobility (Curitiba, Brazil)
- Certification standards for fighting climate change: the “Sustainable BH” Seal (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
- An example of an integrated transportation system (Boulder, USA)
- Building a plan to transform non-motorized transport in Bogotá (Bogotá, Colombia)
- Recovering energy from biogas produced in wastewater treatment plants (Almada, Portugal)
- A model for Transit Oriented Development (Curitiba, Brazil)