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Storm water management in private lots and developments
This solution is tailored to local governments that have a mandate to approve and enforce municipal building regulations or bylaws that require and/or incentivize the use of SUDS and rain water harvest in private buildings and facilities in the city. It is applicable to new settlements as well as existing residential, commercial and institutional buildings and facilities.The solution aspires to deal with surface run-off at the point at which it occurs. This would be achieved by: collecting, treating and infiltrating or reusing it where ever possible within the site or in the near vicinity through Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS). SUDS are a combination of: decoupling of storm water drains (from waste water pipelines), green roofs, rain gardens, living walls, permeable pavements, rainwater retentions and reuse systems, and onsite infiltration systems [1].
To implement this solution, the local government should undertake: policy enactment, standardization, stakeholder involvement; community sensitization and mobilization, and monitoring and evaluation of interventions, including enforcement of regulations. To understand how this Solution articulates with city-level integrated storm water management see Package Sustainable Storm Water Management.