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Landfill gas recovery for energy production
Organic matter present in landfill experiences a biological decomposition under anaerobic conditions with an accompanying production of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) which contribute to the greenhouse effect and climate change. Sanitary landfills install a piping system for the removal of the landfill gas generated, thus minimizing combustion and explosion hazards. Even simple flaring of the landfill gas can minimize the climate change impact of waste disposal by converting methane into carbon dioxide, since the global warming potential of the first is over twenty times larger than the latter`s. Going one step further, the landfill gas can be collected and used for heat and/or electricity production, displacing the use of fossil fuels for the production of the same amount of energy.Since the collection and treatment of municipal solid waste usually lies within the responsibilities of the Local Government, municipalities can have a very direct influence on waste and waste-to-energy strategies, and often play the role of facility owner.