Transit-oriented development (TOD)
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is urban development that relies on public transport, while maintaining a closely knitted urban fabric through high-density, mixed land use and human-scale design, within walking distance from transit stations. Key features of TOD include: high-quality public spaces which are sensitive to community needs; variety of housing types and prices, frequent reliable, fast and comfortable transit; and measures discouraging the use of private cars, including walkable and cycling-friendly environment, parking management, traffic calming measures promoted through street design and others. TOD can create socially vibrant communities, contribute to economic development and enhance environmental quality. TOD is a key strategy for integrating land use and transportation planning and enabling sustainable urban mobility.While this Solution has urban planning at its core, TOD cannot function without well operating mass transit systems or good performance on non-motorized transport modes, among other aspects. To obtain more information on these complementary Solutions and processes, visit the other Solutions within the Sustainable Mobility Package, such as Public Transport Development.
In TOD, the Local Government plays a key role in planning, coordination, stakeholder engagement and partnerships, public investment in urban infrastructure, and operation of mass transit, among others. In the implementation of this Solution, Local Governments need to be well familiar with the existing national and regional spatial and transport planning governance frameworks.
Mass rapid transit, is a high-capacity passenger transportation service, usually local in scope, that is available to any person who pays a prescribed fare. It is designed to move large numbers of people at one time. It usually operates on specific separated tracks, according to established schedules and along designated routes or lines with specific stops. [14]